Launch Team

Launch Team

Below is some information to help you understand better what it means to be part of the Launch Team at Christ the King Church, Yelm, WA.  Please do not hesitate to ask questions.

What is the Christ the King Launch Team?

Men and women of all ages and spiritual maturity levels gathered together to glorify God and help bring Christ the King Church, Yelm, WA into existence.

What is “existence”?

Esistence in this context is holding regular weekly services and able to provide ministry to the whole family.  These ministries to the whole family do not need to be complete, but they need to be functional.

It also means that the majority of the support (service and financial) is from those within (those committed to remain…members).

Who can serve on the Launch Team?

Any Christian.  New believer and older saint alike.  Anyone willing to see this new ministry come into a fuller existence.

Do I have to commit to being a “member” of Christ the King?

No.  This does not require a long term commitment.  God may have you here to help this ministry launch and then move you to another congregation.

How long will the launch team function?  How long is my commitment?

The Launch Team will serve for about 6 – 9 months.  We would like you to commit for that time.  However, that commitment is between you and the Lord.  If you believe God has somewhere else for you to serve before the end of the Launch Team, we understand.

Once the church is functioning as described above, the Launch Team will disband and its members will be free to participate in the church as God leads.

What is expected of the Launch Team?

A commitment to:

  1. Prayer: All we do needs to begin and continue in dialog with God.
  2. Inviting and bringing: We exist to bring the hope of the Gospel and the healing power and love of God to individuals, relationships and the community.  This involves inviting and bringing people to opportunities where they can experience God’s grace and love.    Many of our friends, families, neighbors and coworkers may have had a relationship with God, but for some reason have stopped actively pursuing this relationship.  Others may have never been.
  3. Support: God’s Word teaches us the principles of stewardship.  That is, wise management of our resources.  There is no mandate in the New Testament to tithe (giving a tenth).  However, we should recognize that all we have is from God and we are stewards of his resources.  Supporting the work of God with tithes and offerings is clearly taught in Scripture.
  4. Service: There are many possible ways to serve: greeters, altar guild, hospitality, children’s ministry, ushers, small group leaders, outreach teams…and more.  God has equipped each of us with different talents, gifts, abilities and desires.
  5. Attendance:  Regular attendance at worship services and launch team meetings.  We understand that life moves at a fast pace.  We are currently holding a monthly worship service with the plan of working toward a weekly worship service.  The Launch Team meets together once or twice a month.  With respect to your time, these meetings will last for about 1 hour.

How many people are needed for the Launch Team?

The Launch Team is considered by number of families or households.  That could be a single person, a couple are an entire family.  We are praying for 12 to 15 committed Launch Team families/individuals.

Prayer Priorities

Prayers of Thanksgiving:

    • For the music talent God has provided
    • For the people that are supporting this new ministry from afar
    • For the people God has, and is raising up within this new community of faith
    • For the churches that have partnered with us

Prayer Requests:

    • A fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit
    • That people come to know Christ or know him better
    • Children Ministry
    • Hospitality Ministry
    • Music Ministry (that God would raise up people that are part of this parish—with ever grateful hearts for the support from Oakridge Ministries!)
    • A skilled promoter: someone skilled in understand how to get out the message.
    • Launch Team Members!

About padredavidfell

Priest in the ICCEC. Retired Army Chaplain
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